There she sat, firmly in my heart; my beautiful sealpoint Siamese, Veronica. For eleven years, when I sat, she was on my lap, and when I stood she leaned against my leg. And, when we slept, she slept in my arms and I would often awaken in the night to soft little kitty kisses. But, then she got sick….very sick. The Dr. had only ugly news for me. Fortunately, God was listening in and I think He said, “Well, we’re a little short on fabulous cats right now, and I see a spectacular one down there that I will call Home.” And, He did. I think that God was pleased, and that Veronica was healthy and happy, but there was still… Me, with a broken heart. I thought ‘This was awful, I’m never going through this again, I’ll never get another cat.’ But, that just sounded wrong. We had eleven wonderful fun loving years together and one ugly week. How could I negate eleven of the best for just one hideous week? How unfair to her. And, so, I called Sharon, who had a darling little girl who had just been waitin’ around for me. She’s not a replacement for Veronica, our new Mabel. She’s a Tribute to her and the eleven great years she gave me. I’m not the youngest chick in the hen house, so it just might be that He’ll call me Home before her, but my family will love her too. I still mourn for our beautiful girl, but not as often, or as long. I’m rushed searching for Busy Balls, and I’m pretty sure a catnip mouse has been deposited in my purse. I’d hate to have that fall out when I get my wallet at a restaurant. And, when I go to bed tonight, I will hold little Mabel in my arms, and feel, in the middle of the night, little kitty kisses softly on my cheek. They are healing kisses from Mabel. Or, are they? Maybe somebody just wants to say ” thanks for eleven of the best.”
Jari Gropp